AsyncAPI Conference 2022

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Building the future of Event-Driven Architectures (EDA)

Open-Source tools to easily build and maintain your event-driven architecture. All powered by the AsyncAPI specification, the industry standard for defining asynchronous APIs.

Read the docsOpen Studio

Proud to be part of the Linux Foundation

Account Service Documentation

Account Service 1.0.0

This service is in charge of processing user signups 🚀

SUB user/signedup
Accepts the following message:
Payload Object
Name of the user
Email of the user
Additional properties are allowed.
// Example
  "displayName": "Eve & Chan",
  "email": ""

Why AsyncAPI?

Improving the current state of Event-Driven Architectures (EDA)

  • Specification

    Allows you to define the interfaces of asynchronous APIs and is protocol agnostic.

  • Document APIs

    Use our tools to generate documentation at the build level, on a server, and on a client.

  • Code Generation

    Generate documentation, Code (TypeScript, Java, C#, etc), and more out of your AsyncAPI files.

  • Community

    We're a community of great people who are passionate about AsyncAPI and event-driven architectures.

  • Open Governance

    Our Open-Source project is part of Linux Foundation and works under an Open Governance model.

  • And much more...

    We have many different tools and welcome you to explore our ideas and propose new ideas to AsyncAPI.

Adopted by the world leading brands

These brands are already using AsyncAPI in production. Is your company using AsyncAPI and wants to be included in this list? Let us know here!

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We're a community of great people who are passionate about AsyncAPI and event-driven architectures.

Lukasz Gornicki
Lukasz Gornicki

Good Morninggraincoffee

Eve & Chan
Eve & Chan

Joined #general.

Eve & Chan
Eve & Chan

Hey folks! 👋


Hey Eve & Chan! Welcome to the AsyncAPI workspace!

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We welcome everyone to join our Slack workspace. If you have a question on how to use AsyncAPI, want to contribute, or simply want to say hello 👋  you're welcome to join us. We're nice people 🙂

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    Join our public meetings

    AsyncAPI hosts different meetings every week. They are focused on different topic, sometimes purely technical and sometimes about community building. Pick one and join us! Learn more about our meetings.

    What the experts are saying

    • Microservices underline the need for event-based communication in distributed architectures. AsyncAPI brings the richness of the REST API ecosystem to asynchronous APIs.

      Matt McLarty

      Matt McLarty

      Global Leader of API Strategy at MuleSoft

    • Event-driven APIs need love too! AsyncAPI brings the many benefits of a machine/human readable specification to these nuanced approaches.

      Bill Doerrfeld

      Bill Doerrfeld

      Editor in Chief at Nordic APIs

    • Developers need to be able to quickly and consistently create event-driven applications that provide business value and react to customer needs in realtime. I can't count how many times I've heard developers ask for OpenAPI/Swagger style tools for the asynchronous and event driven world, and that is exactly what the AsyncAPI initiative is making a reality.

      Jonathan Schabowsky

      Jonathan Schabowsky

      Sr. Architect, Office of the CTO at Solace

    • We’ve been focusing on event-driven APIs since 2014 and thank the AsyncAPI contributors everyday for driving the community towards common standards.

      Eric Horesnyi

      Eric Horesnyi

      CEO at

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